main visual




YouTube Channel



We deliver fun videos for children worldwide!
Entertainment events and workshops are also being held regularly in Japan and across the globe!

Japan to the World

ジャパン トゥ ザ ワールド

Japan Promotion

Japanese language & culture & food

Bringing Japanese language, culture, and food to the world

We utilize social media and share fun and engaging information with people around the world!
We also run businesses for international visitors coming to Japan!

Japanese MC & Voice

MC & ボイス

Voice work

MC, Narration & Voice Acting

We offer a wide range of voice acting and narration with diverse vocal styles.

We also work as a bilingual MC duo for events! Leave any voice-related jobs to us!

Katsunori' Voice

  • Reading of "My Beloved Dog, Taro"
  • Dialogue from "Encounter with a Fairy"
  • Multilingual In-Train Announcement

Sanae' Voice

  • Boy Character Role
  • Mother Role
  • Narration for a Travel Commercial


馬場 克倫

ババ カツノリ

Katsunori Baba

YouTuber, Influencer, Creator

Born in Nagasaki and raised in Fukuoka. After entering Nagasaki University, he transferred to a liberal arts college in the United States. Upon graduation, he traveled across Europe and Asia, broadening his global perspective. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he and his wife founded Nattofufu Co., Ltd., and for a limited time, sold original straw natto and banana black vinegar at markets nationwide to boost immunity. Currently, he is expanding his activities both domestically and internationally as an influencer and YouTuber, with a strong passion for connecting Japan and the world through various events and businesses aimed at inbound customers.


ババ サナエ

Sanae Baba

MC, YouTuber, Influencer

After graduating from Toho Gakuen College of Drama and Music with a major in acting, she appeared in numerous stage productions, films, and commercials, including at venues like Kinokuniya Southern Theatre and Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre. Utilizing the expressive skills she developed as a stage actress in both comedy and serious roles, she is now expanding her career as a professional voice actor. Alongside her husband, she is also active as a social media influencer and YouTuber, focusing especially on comedy performances and voice acting, further pursuing her unique style of expression.